Spirit FM Radio Unlocked Mar11 Apk
Details of Spirit FM Radio Unlocked Mar11 Apk for Android:
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Application Name: Spirit FM Radio Unlocked Mar11
File Type: .apk
File URL: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mikersmicros.fm_unlock
Si e: 599k
Category: Music & Audio
Last Updated: March 11 2013
Requires Android: 2.2 and up
Description of Spirit FM Radio Unlocked Mar11 Apk
Spirit FM Radio Unlocked is a real, tuned, "over the air" FM radio app. It's NOT a streaming app requiring expensive, battery consuming data plans.
NOT FM CAPABLE: US & LTE variants of Galaxy S/S2/S3/Note/Note2 and many other devices are not capable of FM. US carriers are not allowing FM unless they can "moneti e" it: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=36567961&postcount=5154
Please email me at mikereidis@gmail.com at any time to upgrade for the price difference, cancel, or for ANY problems or questions.
Satisfaction absolutely guaranteed or full refund. Don't worry about the 15 minute return race. :)
Most Spirit customers are enthusiasts who enjoy rooting & custom ROMs, and Spirit's priorities are geared to that.
But I also welcome average users looking for added features or with phones with no stock FM radio app.
FAQ / Frequently Asked Questions: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=31983089
Unlocked video demo by customer xmguy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMb21nSXbHA (Thanks xmguy!)
German review: http://www.giga.de/apps/android-market/test/spirit-fm-deaktiviertes-fm-radio-wieder-aktivieren/
Spanish review: http://www.xatakamovil.com/aplicaciones/aplicaciones-recomendadas-para-android-xviii-xataka-movil-market
I understand the prices may seem high, but this is a niche app with a high tech support burden. The gracious support of customers keep Spirit alive and improving.
How many other "Real FM Radio" apps are on Google Play ? Two: 1 for Galaxy S only and one repackaged Motorola app.
Why ? It's extremely difficult. Google doesn't support FM radio and carriers suppress it. Intensive reverse engineering is required.
Almost 2 years after Spirit was first created, nobody else has been "cra y" enough to attempt to compete in this niche. :)
Light & Unlocked include:
- Tech support for all devices you own.
- Stereo, Mono & alternative settings.
- 6 nameable presets.
- Status Bar & Notification window.
- Sleep function, Email Logs & UI settings.
Unlocked adds:
- RDS song etc. info: RT, PS, PTY, PI & AF (RadioText, Program Service, Type, ID & Alternate Frequency).
- Unlimited Preset lists & presets.
- All UI settings, including antenna, station ID & screen orientation.
- Media button support for mute, volume & frequency.
- And many more Unlocked exclusive features to come, including recording & digital audio features on GS3, Note and OneX !
This is not a throwaway game app you play for a few days. How many hours will you spend listening to FM radio in the next several years ?
How much can you save on data plans by listening to free, over the air radio versus streaming ?
Re: CNet article "We're not paying enough for apps": http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=23568502&postcount=2523
Spirit is not a one time purchase. It's ongoing technical assistance, fixes, new device support & features.
I'm one developer and Spirit FM Radio is my only app and income. I'm trying to do a job Google said they couldn't for lack of developer resources. :)
I personally answer every email or post on my XDA thread, usually within 12-24 hours, 7 days a week.
Your support will help keep Spirit FM Radio alive and improving.
For tons of further info, and links to free test versions, please see my XDA thread for Spirit FM Radio: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=13385163
These require "root", won't work store-bought stock, and may have other issues: Motorola Droid 4 & Droid 2 A955 CDMA, HTC/Google Nexus One, Dell Streak 5 & Venue.
Thanks !
What's in this version:
- Galaxy S/S2/S3/Note/Note2, HTC OneX/S/Evo 4G LTE, Xperia T experimental digital audio, Bluetooth A2DP and record.
Waveform and frequency spectrum visuali ation on devices supporting digital audio.
- RDS for OneXL/S/Evo 4G.
- ICS+ lockscreen.
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Spirit FM Radio Unlocked Mar11 Apk
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